

While you are at GUM, you are a representation of both GUM and the Church to our neighbors. Because of this, we have a a few rules regarding behavior while you are here.

  • Please be courteous and keep your volume at a reasonable level while walking around the neighborhood. We don’t want to disturb any of our neighbors by being too loud.

  • Be kind and take time to talk with our neighbors.

  • Please do not use foul language.

  • If you ever feel unsafe or weird about a situation, call a GUM staff member into the situation.

Dress Code:

*Remember that it will be hot, and you will be working on projects that could damage or stain your clothing, so make sure you wear clothes that you don’t mind getting messed up!

  • No tank tops or crop tops

  • No short shorts. Make sure your shorts are long enough to maintain modesty as you will be moving around a lot.

  • Your shorts must be visible, so if you are wearing a baggy t-shirt that covers the hem of your shorts, you will be asked to tuck it in.

  • No clothing that advertises anything of a sexual nature or references drugs or drug paraphernalia

  • No gang-related clothing



  • Mornings: Every morning you will start with a devotional and short training aimed to build compassion and grow your understanding of poverty. After the morning devo, your group will break to go into various work projects around the community.

  • Lunch: After the the work projects you will break for lunch back at the GUM building. After you are done eating, your group will set up the room for our youth programming. The layout for the setup is below.

  • Afternoons: In the afternoon you will put on Street Camp for the neighborhood kids, which is similar to VBS. This is an awesome opportunity for you to have fun and proclaim the story of Jesus to our neighborhood kiddos through crafts, skits, and songs! You will go with GUM staff to pick up children from the local apartments and bring them to the park for Street Camp.

  • Thursday: Thursday is our training day! Our heartbeat is not only that you work hard and get to be the hands and feet of Jesus, but also that you grow in knowledge and compassion. We want you to not only know what poverty is but also how you can affect change in your home environment the skills you already have. For this reason Thursday will be a full training day built to grow you as leaders either through an interactive game or walking tour.