I'm interested in getting involved with G.U.M. What opportunities do you have for volunteers?
In addition to volunteering with the Youth and Children's program, we have a host of other opportunities that range from gardening to reading with kids! You can check out the full list by clicking here. If you have additional questions just email us at volunteer@galvestonurbanminsitries.org
What should I think through before committing to volunteer?
Before committing to a program make sure to look at your schedule and honestly calculate the time you have to be involved. Due to the nature of the students and families we serve, we are in need of passionate and consistent volunteers. If your schedule won't permit you to volunteer consistently with G.U.M. then maybe this isn't the season! No worries! G.U.M. cares deeply about our volunteers maintaining a healthy and manageable lifestyle which sometimes means taking a step back for season. We have volunteers that take a couple of months or a semester off, then come back and volunteer again once things have calmed down.
Ok! I want to get involved! How do I get started?
Great! Visit our Volunteer Page by clicking here!
What if I've already done a background check with another ministry? Do I really have to another one?
Yes! This is the way we make sure that every volunteer (that means you!) as well as every student and parent is protected and placed in a ministry that they can thrive in. We appreciate you going the extra mile!
What if I have a record? Does that automatically bar me from volunteering?
Not at all! We truly believe in God being a God of restoration! We meet with each potential volunteer on a case by case basis to determine if volunteering with GUM is the best fit and which volunteer roles are best for both us and you.
Do you guys take groups as well?
Absolutely! For more information on what that looks like please click here.