Project Overview

Work projects can look different depending on the season here at GUM but they’ll fall into one of the following categories:

GUM Projects: These projects are projects in or around GUM facilities that help us keep up operations and make our buildings nice and safe for our neighbors.

Community Partner Projects: We work with other organizations around Galveston to serve our community, and we work to be good neighbors and serve them well. This includes working on projects for them during the summer to help maintain their facilities and help them prepare for the year.

Neighbor Projects: Sometimes our neighbors need help moving or fixing their houses. We love helping our neighbors with projects that are sometimes hard to do alone or are mentally or physically taxing.

We work hard to make sure that the work project assigned matches the skill level of your team and that it can be done safely.

*Because we have so many groups coming to serve at GUM over the year it’s impossible for us to pin down exactly what work project your team will be participating in.

Community Events

Your group may be asked to help with a community event during your trip. This includes helping our staff set up, tear down, and serve at the event. You may also be asked to provide food or other materials for the event. Any needs will be communicated with your leaders before you get to GUM.

Here are some examples of community events we’ve held in the past:

  • Block Parties: Our Block Parties are all about inviting our neighbors and community partners in to meet and spend time getting to know one another. We typically have food, games, a bounce house, and more for families to enjoy. These events are outside, so bring some bug spray!

  • Family Nights: From painting to game night, family nights focus on having fun with the families we work with at GUM. We have snacks and a whole lot of fun at the GUM church as we focus on connecting with families in a casual, fun setting.