This Is Empowerment- Youth making a difference in our community
Achilles and a group of GUM youth recently spent a day-off from school by volunteering in our neighborhood. They cleared debris and cleaned-up after Hurricane Nicholas felled trees, destroyed fences and caused serious street flooding.
GUM is an empowerment ministry, so our students must complete at least 30 hours of community service to earn privileges like going to summer camp. We believe volunteering instills community-mindedness and restores dignity as our students have an opportunity to give back to their community. They learn to give, rather than to just receive. This summer alone, our youth volunteered 323 hours, representing $9,218 in value to the City of Galveston!
Your time, donations & prayers make our Student Ministries Program possible. Galveston youth are becoming servant leaders and making a real contribution to our community because of you.
Thank you for believing in our youth. Thank you for supporting GUM!